
California DAR

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Founded in November of 1939, the Patience Wright Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR), is one of the oldest DAR chapters in Orange County. We have a dynamic group of women working to make a difference in our community by sponsoring welcome home gifts for wounded warriors, encouraging good citizenship for elementary school students, and rewarding the study of American history in middle school and high school students. 

Our members are artists, academics, novelists, choreographers, teachers, executives, business owners, retired women, students, and stay-at-home moms all eager to honor their heritage and serve their community. Our meetings are typically held in the Laguna Beach area on the third Saturday of each month, January through May, and September through December inclusive. Our programs are educational and fun!

In 1966, members of the Patience Wright Chapter, NSDAR, were founders of the popular Patriots Day Parade in Laguna Beach, held in March each year. Read the full history by visiting the Patriots Day Parade website. Oh, how times have changed! While this chapter continues to show our patriotic spirit year after year by participating in the Patriots Day Parade, Wreaths Across America, and supporting our local schools and veterans, this is not your mother's DAR. Contact us for more information!


Photos Courtesy of Chapter Archives





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